This session at EU Sustainable Energy Week, organized by START2ACT, ESMIG and ENABLE.EU projects under the title What makes consumers tick? Best practices and tools, is meant to shed new light on consumer motivations, engagement and learning patterns, challenge existing thinking and provide real examples that can help decision-makers in their mission of reaching ambitious energy efficiency targets.
Join the session on Thursday, 20 June 2019, 09:00 - 10:30 in Brussels at the Policy Conference at EUSEW.
The event will include presentations on:
- How do consumers react to feedback on their electricity and gas consumption, by Patrick Caiger Smith, CEO, geo;
- Social and cultural factors that drive prosumers motivations and energy practices (Learnings from the Horizon 2020 project ENABLE.EU), by Karina Standal, Senior Researcher, CICERO, Norway;
- Learnings from the Horizon 2020 project START2ACTaiming to save energy at the workplaces of young SMEs and startups, by Ömer Ceylan, COO, Geonardo, Hungary
Additionally, the event will include discussions with Roxane van Giesen, Researcher at CentERdata; Frances Williamson, Head of Communications and Industry Engagement at CHAMELEON TECHNOLOGY LIMITED; Annette Jantzen, Secretary General, NEON Ombudsman; Anna Colucci, Head of Unit, Retail Markets, at DG Energy, European Commission. Discussions will be moderated by Thomas-Pellerin Carlin, Jacques Delors Institute.