4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency - BEHAVE 2016

4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency - BEHAVE 2016  aims to bring researchers and practitioners involved in end-use energy efficiency to share recent research, new technological developments and best practices on understanding and influencing behaviour related to energy efficiency. Research on behaviours associated with energy use plays a fundamental role to achieve a more sustainable energy system, in face of challenges such as security of supply, climate change and evolution to the smart grids.

Contributions to BEHAVE 2016 are expected to cover a wide range of topics related with energy efficiency and behaviours, namely:

  • promoting sustainable energy behaviours: instruments, interventions and evaluation of behaviour change;
  • adoption and use of low carbon technologies;
  • behavioural potential to facilitate the smart grid and demand response;
  • end-use energy efficiency in buildings and organisations;
  • behaviour in transport and mobility; behaviour integration into energy modelling;
  • multidisciplinary approaches to energy behaviours;
  • energy policies for promoting behaviour change.

The event is organised by the Energy for Sustainability Initiative of the University of Coimbra and ADENE - Portuguese Agency for Energy.

The official language of the conference is English.

Complementarily, an IEA DSM Task 24 Workshop - Reframing the energy system - will be held on the 7 September 2016 at the University of Coimbra. This workshop is designed to provide an overview to the wider systemic issues to do with behaviour change and to provide more hands-on solutions on how to solve them collaboratively. It is led by the International Energy Agency Demand Side Management Programme's (IEA-DSM) Task 24, called ‘Behaviour Change in DSM - Helping the Behaviour Changers’

Tip of the day
Use light colours furniture and wall painting. This will ensure a good light reflection.

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