Kingston Business Breakfast - 25 April 17

Kingston Business Breakfast - 25 April 17

Are you a small or young business looking to reduce your energy consumption, reduce your costs, and improve your reputation?

Please join us for breakfast and receive free energy efficiency training from a Carbon Trust expert and explore some of the initiatives on offer that provide funded support and captial which aim to develop and grow your business.


08:00 Breakfast

08:30 Energy Efficiency Training from the Carbon Trust

09:30 START2ACT: EU programme helping young SMEs and startups to engage in energy efficiency

09:45 The Green Business Fund: Support and funding for SMEs looking to invest in energy efficiency

10:00 Small business resources from Carbon Trust to help identify trusted suppliers, equipment and advice

10:15 Business Support available from Kingston University

10:30 Networking and an opportunity to talk to all speakers

Tip of the day
When you intend to purchase new appliances, think not only of the purchase price, but also of the cost of operating. The second one is to be paid for the next 10-20 years.

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